Customer Testimonials

“I’ve hired Woodridge Contracting for several projects around my home over the last couple years. Every time the service I’ve received is incomparable. The company is nothing short of professional and proficient.”

– Kaitlin A.

Sherman, CT

”It was an absolute pleasure working with Woodridge Contracting. Leroy and his son Kyle were true professionals. Leroy surveyed the project and gave an itemized estimate in a very timely way. He was quick to answer any questions I had and availed himself to come back and explain things to me. Once hired, they completed our bathroom renovation in the time they allotted. It looks even better than I imagined. I would wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone!”

– Debra W.

Ridgefield, CT

“Woodridge Rocks! It was such a pleasure working with Kyle & Leroy. We learned a lot from their endless advice and professional knowledge while we built our new home sweet home.”

– Kim & Raphael P.

Danbury, CT

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